Inspect The Foundation Before Buying a House

Inspect The Foundation Before Buying a House

Bidding wars and being impulsive when buying real estate can cost you big time! 

One of the important things to consider when buying a property is its foundation. A substandard foundation will cause you problems in the future.

It is recommended to partner with a real estate agent that has some knowledge with foundations. Their advice can help guide you in making a smarter purchase. 

See my list below of what to look out for. 

Signs of foundation repair:

  • Separation of bricks or blocks
  • Cracks along the outer walls
  • Misaligned doors 

Severe foundation damage includes:

  • Plumbing breaks
  • Rafters pulling in the attic
  • Bending or warping of framing

Interior signs that indicate a foundation problem:

  • Doors and windows that will not operate properly
  • Un-level floors
  • Gaps above the cabinets
  • Cabinet doors that will never stay shut
  • Diagonal cracks in walls

I also suggest adding a property inspection as a condition when you make an offer. There are plenty of great property inspectors in your area. They will inspect the inside and outside of the house to identify if the foundation is solid. They will also give you recommendations if a foundation repair is required.

For all your buying and selling needs in Waterloo, Kitchener, and Cambridge, consider Mike Bolger from Chestnut Park West.
I have connections with some of the best home inspectors in the KW area. 

CALL MIKE NOW: (519) 616-2656


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